My Energy have put this page together for you so that you can consider all of the different facets of your monthly bills. What many people don’t realise is that by talking about their bills, they will find out things that they didn’t know, things which can help them save money and reduce their energy consumption.
Ask your friends
Sit down with some of your closest friends and ask them, ‘How much are your energy bills?’. Be prepared with your own charges, so that you can make a comparison. Remember, number of rooms, the size of the home and the number of occupants will all play a significant role. Whether it’s a new build or an old property will have a dramatic effect too. It’s recommended that you talk with someone who has a similar size and age home to yourself.
Ask your colleagues
The staff room could be a good space to ask the question, ‘How much are your energy bills?’, as there may be several people who have been thinking exactly the same thing. It’s surprising how many people are worried about rising energy costs and the feeling of helplessness about reducing them. Start a friendly conversation asking ‘Has anyone switched energy provider recently? I’ve been considering it’. This will get mouths moving and ideas flowing.
Use Google to research
There may be a lot hidden on the internet, but the transparency of energy prices is actually surprisingly good. Various tools and articles have revealed average energy prices over the year, plus monthly breakdowns and prices of energy per unit. You can even find options that suit your lifestyle, especially if you have a defined routine where you are in the house at certain times of the day. Spending a couple of hours online using search engines to improve your knowledge cannot hurt your chances of improving your bills.