
FAQ: “Do Independents Offer The Cheapest Energy Deals?”

The British media have been openly critical of the ‘Big Six’ energy companies and their price fixing activities in the past, whereby they worked together to raise the industry prices to give the illusion of the market price.

In 2009, these six energy companies owned an incredible 99.8% of the UK energy market: British Gas, EDF Energy, Npower, E.ON, Scottish Power and SSE


The ‘My Energy Bill Is Too High’ Guide To Energy Investments

In this guide to long term energy bill reduction investments, we will walk you through all of our recommended gadgets, upgrades and installations for reducing your energy bills in the long run.

One of the most frequent feelings that we hear from our customers is ‘My energy bill is too high’. It makes you feel helpless, and that’s why we are here, to provide a solution.


FAQ: Why Is My Energy Bill So High?

Understanding the fluctuations in your energy bill price may sometimes feel like some sort of complex secret that the companies don’t let you in on.

It doesn’t have to be that way, you can figure out most of why your prices are rising or falling by asking yourself these questions anytime you ponder ‘Why is my energy bill so high?

Are You Conserving Energy?

Making deliberate efforts to conserve energy is one surefire way to get the bills down. Doing things such as improving insulation, turning lights off when you’re not in the room and turning appliances off at the wall rather than leaving them on standby can have a great long-term effect.


FAQ: How Do I Change My Energy Supplier?

We get it, expensive bills keep coming through your letterbox and you’ve finally said ‘Enough is enough, how do I change my energy supplier?’.

The Answer?

Well, My Energy are here to tell you exactly what you need to know and have to be able to make the switch. It’s important when changing supplier to be fully aware that your energy bill is not a tax, and shouldn’t be treated as something that just ‘gets taken’ from your bank account; you have the power to reduce the fees.


FAQ: Who Supplies My Energy?

If you’ve just moved house, rented an apartment or taken a room in a house share, it’s quite possible that you don’t know the answer to ‘Who supplies my energy?’.

Perhaps you don’t need to worry, especially if you have a landlord who sorts the bills out themselves, however, if you’re asking yourself ‘Who supplies my energy?’ because you’re looking to get a better deal, you’ve come to the right place…

If You’ve Just Moved House

On top of moving home, removal van fees, heaps of paperwork and new mortgage figures to pay, the last thing anyone needs is over-inflated energy bills! When people leave a property, it’s their responsibility to inform the energy company, but a lot of the time they forget.


Story: The Rise Of The Independent Energy Company

Once upon a time in 2014…

Ofgem, the government regulator for the gas and electricity markets in the UK, announced that it was investigating the Big Six energy companies (British Gas, SSE, Scottish Power, Npower, E.On and EDF) for profiteering.

Ultimately, the eighteen-month investigation found that the Big Six were overcharging £1.7bn a year, roughly £234 a year per household, but Ofgem bowed to pressure from the Big Six and placed the blame on consumers.


How do I switch my energy suppliers?

Most energy suppliers have a range of competitive plans available to consumers looking to switch their current provider.

People go through the hassle of changing their current energy suppliers with money saving goal in mind.

What do you need to get your energy supplier switch process under way?

Details of your current tariff

It is important that you go through your recent bill of your gas and electricity and have your usage or monthly spending information ready. You can pull these figures out from your annual statement as well.
If you are finding it difficult to read your statements from your energy supplier, you can choose to call to speak to a customer service adviser.
Please note that in case you haven’t got your gas/electricity statement available to you, you can still compare the tariffs using a comparison tool like MyEnergy.

Exit fees from your provider

Make sure you know exactly what to expect when you decide to stop your custom with your existing gas and electricity providers. Bear in mind that the savings to be made after you have switched, will cover the necessary outgoings.

To speed up with the energy suppliers switch process, you will need to settle the outstanding bills with your previous provider.

Your postcode, Bank details

Once you have established the above, all you need is your postcode and bank details should you want to finalise your energy plan switch.

 Become an Energy Shopper

According to Which? survey, two thirds of British people had never switched energy provider. The so called, energy supplier loyalty doesn’t seem to be rewarded. Therefore, it makes perfect sense to look for a better deal elsewhere and become an Energy Shopper.

Comparison tool

It is important to realise that energy suppliers regularly change their tariff plans. As mentioned above, it is the new customers, not the loyal ones, that have attractive offers available to them.

Once you have gathered the relevant information, make sure you go ahead and use online comparison tool to make sure you have the most accurate data to make an informed decision.

MyEnergy free comparison tool allows you to do just that, shop around the best energy deals suitable to your individual needs. By regularly tracking all the changes on the energy market, you can be sure to receive the most up to date results.

Also, check here for more information on switching your energy supplier.

For alternative ways to save money on energy bills, please visit Home Logic which can help you with innovative and affordable home improvements.


Why using heating controls is a smart way to save money?

One of the best ways to save money on bills is to invest in thermostats and controls. There is a number of different heating controls, therefore you should take your time to decide which one is the best for your individual needs.

Room Thermostats

Room thermostats keep the air temperature around the room at a comfortable level. The lowest comfortable temperature is 18 degrees but about 21 degrees is the optimal figure to keep everyone living in your household happy. This type of heating control works best when allowed an uninterrupted access to free flowing air. Make sure it is not blocked with curtains or furniture

Thermostatic Radiator Valves (TRVs)

These devices are fitted to the radiators. They reduce the amount of water that passes through the radiator. This allows you to decide what temperature you want for each individual room.

Quick Tip: Stop using radiator covers as this will interrupt with your TRV data collection in regards to room temperature.

Cylinder Thermostats

Cylinder thermostat determines to what temperature the water stored in the cylinder is heated to. This prevents the water from unnecessary overheating. Once the temperature is right, the water supply from the boiler is turned off. The recommended temperature setting for this type of a control is between 60 and 65 degrees.

Timing Controls

This allows you to set up time periods for the boiler or central heating to go “on” or “off”. Make sure that the timer on the programmer is correct before setting the program up.

Wait for a cold evening and and keep record of the time your home took to warm up to a comfortable temperature. Then measure the time of your home to go cold form the moment of switching the control off. That way you identify your warm-up time and cool-down time. Set up your timer accordingly to your discoveries.

For more detailed information about types and use of heating controls visit Energy Saving Trust

Smart Heating Controls

Generally speaking, smart heating controls are more advanced ways of saving money through heating controls. After installing an application on your smart phone, you can easily manage your heating system remotely.

Benefits of using Heating Controls at Home

Your perfect set of heating controls should comprise a boiler thermostat, programmer, room thermostat and radiator valves (TRV). You can have immediate advantage of having your home heated without wasting any energy. Other benefits include:

Investing in new heating controls may still not bring you the desired results if you are on a high tariff or a billing plan that isn’t suited to your needs. Check our free online energy comparison tool to see if you can quickly switch to a new deal.